Don Chalmers Passion for Excellence Award
Don Chalmers Ford’s Team received the 2005 NM Zia Award for Performance Excellence
The “Don Chalmers Passion for Excellence Award” is an annual award recognizing an individual who exemplifies outstanding leadership in the pursuit of performance excellence and has furthered performance improvement beyond the boundaries of their organization.
The 2017 Award will be presented at the annual Quality New Mexico Learning Summit and New Mexico Performance Excellence Awards Ceremony to be held April, 2017.
2016 - The recipient of the first Don Chalmers Passion for Excellence Award was Dr. Mike Sather, Center Director Emeritus, VA Cooperative Studies Program Clinical Research Pharmacy Coordinating Center in Albuquerque (center). The Award was presented by Greg Chalmers, brother of the late Don Chalmers (left) and Steve Keene (right), Managing Partner of Moss Adams, LLP and 2015-16 Board Chair.
Nominations are now open for the Don Chalmers Passion for Excellence Award!
To send a Nomination please email: