GEM and Diamond Partners
Application Fees
Here you can pay the application fees for the New Mexico Performance Excellence Awards Program at the GEM and Diamond Partner level.
If you would like to learn more about the different recognition levels: click here
Zia (Site Visit Included)
Optional - Site Visit for Pinon or Roadrunner
*The 70% discount for GEM and Diamond level Partners has already been applied to the prices below.
Training Courses
Here you can pay for the different training courses offered at the GEM and Diamond Partner level.
If you would like to learn more about the courses that are offered: click here
Introduction to Baldrige Framework - 1 day
Baldrige for Executives/Leaders - 2 hours
Application Prep for Roadrunner and Zia - 4 hours
Examiner Training - TBD
**The 70% discount for GEM and Diamond level Partners has already been applied to the prices below.
**Prices listed are on a per person basis.
Customized Partner Services
Train the Trainer - 1 day
Support of Training Development - 1 day
Strategic Planning - 4 hours
Coaching - 4 hours